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Money Splash

Money Splash   HK$190.00

Your money won't stop growing!

Who wouldn't be delighted to watch their money magically grow? One by one, the magician drops a nickel, a dime and a quarter into an empty tube, shakes the tube, and doubles each coin until there are two of each. At the end, the quarter multiplies into 8 quarters. By using the enclosed bonus gimmick, you will be able to produce a huge pile of coins from the tube. It's like hitting the jackpot!

1. The magician drops a nickel into an empty tube, shakes it, and dumps out two nickels.
2. A dime, and then a quarter are dropped into the tube, and each of them multiply into two coins.
3. The two quarters then multiply to four, and then to eight quarters!




33mm 襟章配件(1000套) HK$1,600.00 45mm 襟章配件(1000套) HK$1,900.00 58mm 襟章配件(1000套) HK$2,200.00 75mm 襟章配件(1000套) HK$2,400.00 58mm 磁石開瓶器 (100個) HK$940.00 45mm 鏡面匙扣 (100個) HK$820.00 58mm 匙扣 (100個) HK$940.00 45mm 繩牌襟章 (100個) HK$820.00 58mm 繩牌襟章 (100個) HK$940.00 Circle Cutter HK$360.00


各位家長及小朋友,您好 七彩沙畫 :到場設置2個沙架,有十二種顏色沙,一個工作人員,時間約二小時。 七彩沙樽 :即場製作七彩沙樽,創作出獨一無二的藝術作品。 照相襟章 :即場拍照然後製成襟章,襟章還可選擇做成鏡面匙扣,掛頸繩牌,磁石開瓶器等。 閃粉紋身 :工作人員為小朋友或家長製作閃亮美麗的紋身,可維持數天。 畫大花臉 :為小孩繪畫出不同的動物或圖案於臉上。 創意珠珠畫 :用多種顏色彩珠,即場讓小朋友發揮無窮創意製作珠珠畫。 如有其他問題,歡迎詢問或致電93521964,我們十分樂意解答。 按此觀看圖片


塑膠沙樽 P01 HK$6.00  塑膠沙樽 P02  HK$6.00 塑膠沙樽 P03  HK$6.00  塑膠沙樽 P04  HK$6.00 塑膠沙樽 P05 HK$6.00 玻璃沙樽 G01  HK$6.00 玻璃沙樽 G02  HK$6.00 玻璃沙樽 G03 HK$6.00  玻璃沙樽 G04 HK$16.00